Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

the legend of sangkuriang

This is an example of how nature was converted into a legend, such as Bandung lake and Mt Tangkuban Perahu with the story of Queen Dayang Sumbi and her son Sangkuriang cited from Neuman va Padang (1971). Once Sangkuriang, whilst growing up, he was so naughty and got hurt and the wound formed an ugly scar.
The King, who loved his son above everything was so furious that his son had hurt himself that he rejected his wife. Fifteen years later, being of age, Sangkuriang asked his father permission to take a trip to West Java. After arriving in the plain of Bandung, he met a beautiful lady, fell in love and ask her to marry him and she accepted. But one day when she caressed her lover’s head she saw the wound. The loving woman, turned out to be the disowned queen, discovered that she was in love with her son and marriage was impossible.
The marriage had to be prevented. Not willing to admit that she was his mother she thought of a way out. The day before the wedding was due to take place, she said to her husband to be, tomorrow is our wedding day, and if you are true to your love to me and love me as much you say do then I want to celebrate the wedding on board a ship, a proa. Tomorrow morning at day break, I want to sail with you on a great lake in a nice boat and there must be a banquet feast. Sangkuriang was embarrassed but he was not willing to refuse. He begged the help of the lake’s helpful spirits. By causing a landslide, the lake spirit dammed the river Citarum that flowed through the plain of Bandung. The force of the water felled big tree and a boat was constructed while other lake spirits prepared the wedding banquet.
Early in the morning the Queen saw that the impossible had been realised so she prayed to Brama, the mighty God, to help her to prevent the disgrace of a marriage between a mother and her son. Brama destroyed the dam in turbulence and Sangkuriang was drowned. The queen in her agony threw herself on the capsized boat, breaking through the hull of the ship and was also drowned.
Now, the vast plain of Bandung is flanked on its north side by the volcano Tangkuban Perahu, the capsized boat. The Queen’s jump on the hull of the ship is the Kawah Ratu, the crater of the Queen. The hot fumaroles and tremors in the crater represent the tears of the sad mother still sobbing. East of Mt Tangkuban Perahu rises the Bukit Tunggul, trunk mountain, the trunk of the tree from which the boat was made and to the west we find Mt Burangrang, the “crown of leaves”. At many places along the shore of the lake Neolithic obsidian tools of primitive inhabitants are found and described by von Koeningswald (1935). These Neolithic people noticed that the hold was cut deeper and deeper by erosion caused by the lowering water. Finally only a marshy plain remained.
Centuries later the inhabitants of Bandung plain still know about the legend of the existence of a former lake. Not knowing anything about geology, but living in the taboos of spirit ghosts and Gods, geological facts were put together in a tale that was understandable.

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.
Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world.
The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do.
The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit stronger than a straw house.
The third little pig built his house out of bricks.
One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"
"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig.
But of course the wolf did blow the house in and ate the first little pig.
The wolf then came to the house of sticks.
"Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig.
The wolf then came to the house of bricks.
" Let me in , let me in" cried the wolf
"Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in"
"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pigs.
Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick house.
But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house.
The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water.
When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf.
The next day the little pig invited his mother over . She said "You see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can." Fortunately for that little pig, he learned that lesson. And he just lived happily ever after!

(ertina moriana pohan)

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

the legend of tobe lake

Once upon a time, there was a fisherman lived in a North Sumatra. Don’t ask me the year, all I know it was a very long time before you were born. When he was fishing in a river, a big fish was nailed. This fish had gold color all over its body. It was beautiful. The fisherman was very excited. He imagined a delicious dinner in his head. He put the fish in his basket and went home happily.
When he got home, he put the fish in a sink. He grabbed a knife to kill the fish. But when he almost killed it, he saw the fish eyes and felt pity. He took the knife away and put the fish in washbasin and added water in it. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t kill you” the fisherman said.
The fisherman went fishing again. But this time he couldn’t get any fish. He went home with nothing in his hand. His stomach started to sing. He walked home slouching. He was surprised when he saw smoke came out from his kitchen.
“Who cooked in my kitchen?” he confused.
He took a peep and surprised when he saw a beautiful girl cooked in his house. “Why there’s a girl in my kitchen?” he confused.
The fisherman entered the room. “Who are you?” he asked the girl.
“I’m the fish.” The girl said.
The fisherman looked the washbasin and saw nothing in it. “The fish?” he asked incredulous.
“Yes. You didn’t kill me and I’m very thankful. I will return your kindness.” The girl said.
“That’s ok. I didn’t ask any return” the fisherman said.
“But I have to.”The girl insisted.
“Well, I lived alone. I don’t have family. If you want to be my wife, I will be very happy.” The fisherman asked the girl.
The girl smiled and said “I’d love to but you have to promise me that if we have kid you can’t tell him about me.”
And so, the fisherman and the fish girl were married. And then they had a child called Samo. Samo was very naughty. He couldn’t be advisable. He always played and never helped his parents.
One day Samo was asked to deliver lunch to his father. On his way, he met his friends and forgot to deliver his father’s lunch. Samo played with his friends. When he was tired and hungry, he was resting under a tree and ate his father lunch. Meanwhile his father waited him in starve and tired. His father went home and saw Samo played. “Where is my lunch?” he asked.
“Mmm…mm.. I ate it” Samo said afraid.
“Why you ate it?” his father asked.
“Mmm..mm.. I was hungry after playing with my friend” Samo said.
“You were told to deliver my lunch but you didn’t listen.” his father was very furious. “I can’t handle you anymore. You are very naughty. Go away from me. Don’t come home anymore.” His father yelled and evicted Samo from his house.
And this what happened if you can’t control your mouth when you angry. His father said the words that he wouldn’t suppose to say. “You… fish’s son.”
Suddenly, the sky was getting dark. The storm was breaking the ears. The rain felt from the sky like giant hose sprayed water all over the place. And then the water came out from the land and getting harder.
Sumo’s mother was very sad. “I told you don’t tell him about me” she said to her husband. “Now I’m going back to be fish again. Good by” the mother was transformed magically to be gold fish again and disappear through the water. The water was getting higher and drown the village and formed a lake.
Meanwhile, sumo run to the hill and stayed there. The hill then was surrounded by the lake.
Now the lake was known as Toba Lake. Toba came from Tuba word means no mercy. And the hill in the middle called Samosir Island. Samosir means ‘Samo di usir’ or in English : Samo have been evicted. This is just a legend, there were so many versions of the name’s story. You can’t tell which one is really true. But I heard this version since I was a little girl.

ksatria yang sombong

Pada suatu masa, tersebutlah seorang ksatria pedang yang sangat handal. Dia menguasai teknik berpedang tingkat tinggi yang tak seorang pun mampu menandingi di daerah kekuasaannya. Dia dihormati dan ditakuti hampir di seluruh sudut daerah kekuasaannya.
Kemudian sang ksatria merasa bahwa dia harus mengembara, menguasai ilmu yang lebih hebat agar dia semakin ditakuti, tak hanya di daerah kekuasaannya saja, tapi juga di seluruh tempat yang ada manusia-nya. Berangkatlah ia menuju negeri seberang dengan beberapa anak buah kepercayaannya. Sesampainya di negeri asing itu, dia dan anak buahnya berpencar untuk mencari guru sendiri-sendiri untuk memperdalam ilmu masing-masing. Sang ksatria sendiri menjadi murid di sebuah perguruan yang ada dalam hutan terpencil jauh di lereng bukit. Pada awalnya dia merasa tak pantas di sini, apalagi ada kabar burung beredar bahwa anak buahnya yang lain memperoleh perguruan yang lebih besar dan megah, serta tersohor namanya di negeri asing itu. Tapi dia mengeraskan hatinya. “Aku pasti bisa berbuat banyak di sini”
Masa demi masa dilewatinya dalam perguruan itu. Dia telah mengalami banyak hal. Ujian, tes serta tantangan-tantangan lain dari sang guru telah dihadapinya. Pada awalnya dia merasa puas dengan pencapaiannya, tapi sudut hitam dalam hatinya menyuarakan hal yang lain. “Aku tidak akan maju di sini. Aku butuh yang lebih!!”
Dia pun kemudian menjadi malas dalam mengikuti setiap latihan, tugas-tugas dari gurunya hanya diselesaikannya dengan serampangan. Dia merasa bahwa perguruan ini tak pantas bagi seorang ahli pedang sehebat dirinya. Berulang kali dia mencoba membuat suatu masalah dengan guru serta orang-orang di perguruannya, mencoba untuk menunjukkan kehebatan dirinya. Membuktikan bahwa dirinya lebih dari pada mereka semua. Dia semakin liar dan sulit diatur.
Dan pada puncaknya, ketika sang guru hendak memberikan sebuah tugas padanya, dihantamkannya pedangnya ke lantai sambil berteriak keras“Tugas itu tak pantas untuk saya!!”Gurunya terkejut, “Kenapa kau bilang begitu?”“Saya ke sini untuk menempa ilmu pedang saya! Bukan untuk tugas-tugas sosial seperti itu!”“Kau masih belum mengerti tentang kehidupan ini, muridku.. Tak selamanya kau bisa kaku seperti itu, kadang hal yang kau rasa tak berharga bagimu justru yang akan menguatkanmu”“Bah!! Saya tak peduli, saya hanya akan melakukan tugas dengan pedang saya!!”“Di dunia ini tak ada yang sempurna sesuai dengan keinginanmu, anak muda”“Saya tak peduli!!”“Baiklah kalau begitu, silakan kau cari perguruan lain yang kau rasa akan menajamkan pedangmu.. Kurasa kau tak cocok dengan tempat ini”
Begitulah, sang ksatria kemudian meninggalkan perguruannya untuk mengembara lagi mencari perguruan lain yang dirasanya cocok baginya…

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010


Profil DoraemonNama: DoraemonArti nama: Doraemon berasal dari kata “dora-neko” yang berarti “kucing tersesat”, sementara akhiran -emon merupakan suatu akhiran nama yang umum di Jepang.Nama (salah satu?) pacar (dengan status hubungan yang terkesan tarik ulur): Mii-chanPemilik asli: Sewashi (Nobita’s great-great-grandson dari abad ke 22)Lahir ke dunia (Diciptakan pertama kali): 1-12-1969Dibuat oleh: Fujimoto Hiroshi dan Motoo AbikoDebut: 1970 (kemungkinan dalam bentuk komik yang terpecah-pecah)Karir di komik: 1974 - 1996 dengan jumlah sirkulasi lebih dari 80 juta komik di seluruh dunia (1992)Karir di TV (Asahi): 1979 - sekarangKarir di film: 1980 - sekarang (untuk edisi tahun 2005 ditunda sampai dengan musim semi 2006)Debut di Indonesia (TV): Juli 1989 (menurut Doraemon-land)*Makanan kesukaan: DorayakiHal-hal yang dibenci: kedinginan dan TIKUS!!Lahir (dalam cerita): 2112-9-3 (3 September 2112)Tempat lahir: Pabrik Robot “Matsushiba”*Data agak diragukan. Menurut wikipedia: tahun 1991. Tapi sepertinya tahun yang diakui secara resmi di Indonesia (oleh pihak Elex Media Komputindo?) itu tahun 1990!!

Ada yang spesial dari angka 1293 tersebut loh:

Tinggi badan: 129.3 cm

Lingkar badan: 129.3 cm

Berat badan: 129.3 kg (seharusnya tidak mungkin Nobita selamat kalau tertimpa Doraemon :P)Tinggi loncatan: 129.3 cm (kalau bertemu tikus)

Kecepatan lari (kabur): 129.3km/? (kalau bertemu tikus)

Spesifikasi Doraemon:Mata: infra merah, dapat melihat dalam gelapHidung: 20x ketajaman hidung manusia (sayang, sering rusak)Kumis: mempunyai radar yang dapat mendeteksi benda dari jauh (sedang butuh perbaikan…)Mulut: dengan ukuran mulut sangat besar (wastafel-pun bisa dilahap!), dapat memakan apapunBel: berguna untuk memanggil kucing-kucing lain (lagi-lagi sedang rusak!)Kantong: 4 dimensi dengan kapasitas nyaris tak terbatas, tempat penyimpanan berbagai macam alatTangan: mempunyai kemampuan menyedot sehingga benda apapun dapat menempelKaki: telapaknya datar, dapat berjalan tanpa suara seperti halnya kucing biasaEkor: berfungsi sebagai “tombol” pengaktifan Doraemon.

Beberapa peralatan ajaib yang sering digunakan Doraemon :- Kantong AjaibAdalah sebuah kantong 4 dimensi yang tertempel di perut Doraemon, kantong ini dapat menyimpan semua alat-alat Doraemon tanpa batas, bahkan semua barang-barang dikamar Nobita. Doraemon juga menyimpan sebuah kantong ajaib cadangan di lemari tempat ia tidur. Di lubang kantung ini terdapat sebuah alat pendeteksi imajinasi sehingga apabila ingin mengambil suatu alat, Doraemon akan membayangkan bentuk dari benda tersebut. Alat pendeteksi imajinasi akan mencari benda tersebut dan akan memberikannya ke tangannya.
Spoiler for Doraemon:
- Mesin WaktuAdalah mesin yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelajah ruang dan waktu. Doraemon menggunakannya untuk kembali ke masa depan jika ia ingin menjalani servis rutin.

Spoiler for Doraemon:
- Pintu ke Mana SajaAdalah pintu yang digunakan Doraemon untuk menuju ke tempat apa pun di waktu kapan pun. Namun, pintu ke mana saja memiliki batas data zaman tujuan.

Spoiler for Doraemon:
- Baling-Baling BambuBaling-baling kecil milik doraemon yang digunakan untuk terbang ke tempat yang dituju. Baling-baling bambu terbang dengan menggunakan tenaga baterai yang habis dalam 4 jam, namun dapat terisi ulang secara otomatis apabila diistirahatkan selama beberapa saat.

- Konyaku PenerjemahKonyaku penerjemah adalah makanan sejenis agar-agar tahu yang berguna untuk menerjemahkan bahasa lain. Jika dimakan, maka orang asing yang berbicara dengan kita akan mengerti perkataan kita, begitu pula sebaliknya.

- Kue cap MomotaroAdalah kue yang digunakan untuk menjinakkan binatang. Seganas apapun binatangnya, akan berubah menjadi binatang jinak yang bisa ditunggangi bahkan diperintah. Kue cap Momotaro aman bila dimakan oleh manusia

- Senter PengecilJika senter ini digunakan, benda yang disinarinya akan mengecil.

- Sarung Tangan SuperSarung tangan ini dapat meningkatkan kekuatan tangan orang yang memakainya, sehingga dapat mengangkat beban yang sangat berat atau digunakan sebagai senjata bila melawan musuh. Bekerja dengan prinsip gravitasi dan penyerapan berat benda

- Meriam AnginSalah satu alat Doraemon yang berupa senjata. Dipakai bila menghadapi musuh. Kekuatannya tergantung oleh penggunanya dan memiliki baterai yang dapat habis bila terlalu sering dipakai.

- Shock GunSebuah pistol yang dapat mengeluarkan gelombang listrik yang kuat sehingga dapat membuat musuh pingsan.

- Mantel PengibasMantel ini berfungsi untuk membelokkan apapun yang mengenai mantel ini- Lingkaran PenembusBenda yang berbentuk seperti holahop ini berguna untuk menembus dinding ataupun benda yang menghalangi jalan.

- Selimut WaktuKain yang dapat mengembalikan benda yang dibungkusnya kembali ke asalnya / ke wujud sebelumnya.